Recent Publications
- Wang, Zhichao, Xiaoliang Yan, Shreyes Melkote, and David Rosen. “McGAN: Generating manufacturable designs by embedding manufacturing rules into conditional generative adversarial network.” Advanced Engineering Informatics 64 (2025): 103074. [link]
- Vatandoust, Farzad, Xiaoliang Yan, David Rosen, and Shreyes Melkote. “Manufacturing Feature Recognition with a Sparse Voxel-based Convolutional Neural Network.” Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (2024): 1-14. [link]
- Gihr, Marwin, Asif Rashid, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Transferability of Bead Geometry Prediction Model in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing.” Procedia CIRP 126 (2024): 615-620. [link]
- Cestone, Lorenzo, Shreyes N. Melkote, Erica Liverani, Samuele Piandoro, Alessandro Ascari, and Alessandro Fortunato. “The Effect of Temperature on Magnetic Properties and Surface Integrity in Nd2Fe14B Permanent Magnets, Under Dry and Wet Grinding for Automotive Applications.” Advanced Engineering Materials (2024): 2401200. [link]
- Rashid, Asif, Akshar Kota, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Evolution of microstructure and mechanical property enhancement in wire-arc directed energy deposition with interlayer machining.” Manufacturing Letters 41 (2024): 758-765. [link]
- Kota, Akshar, Shohom Bose-Bandyopadhyay, Asif Rashid, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Influence of milling interventions on the geometry of wall-shaped structures in hybrid wire-arc direct energy deposition.” Manufacturing Letters 41 (2024): 772-779. [link]
- Yan, Xiaoliang, Zhichao Wang, Mukunda Moulik Puvvada, Mahmoud Dinar, David W. Rosen, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “A federated learning approach to automated and secure supplier selection in cyber manufacturing as-a-service.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 77 (2024): 170-183. [link]
- Rashid, Asif, Akshar Kota, Denis Boing, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Effect of Interlayer Machining Interventions on the Geometric and Mechanical Properties of Wire Arc Directed Energy Deposition Parts.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 146, no. 9 (2024). [link]
- Rashid, Asif, Ji Ho Jeon, Denis Boing, and Shreyes Melkote. “Effect of Machining-Induced Deformation and Grain Refinement on Microstructure Evolution in Hybrid Wire-Arc Directed Energy Deposition.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (2024): 1-12. [link]
- Wang, Zhichao, Xiaoliang Yan, Shreyes Melkote, and David Rosen. “McGAN: Generating Manufacturable Designs by Embedding Manufacturing Rules into Conditional Generative Adversarial Network.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.16943 (2024). [link]
- Zhao, Changxuan, Mahmoud Dinar, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Deep learning and sequence mining for manufacturing process and sequence selection.” International Journal of Production Research 62, no. 14 (2024): 5293-5314. [link]
- Ng, Keith, Kaveh R. Berenji, Allison Brown, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Deflection-limited trajectory planning in robotic milling.” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 120 (2024): 1180-1191. [link]
- Jeon, Ji Ho, Navjyot Panpalia, Asif Rashid, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Effect of electropolishing on ultrasonic cavitation in hybrid post-processing of additively manufactured metal surfaces.” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 120 (2024): 703-711. [link]
- Wang, Zhichao, Xiaoliang Yan, Jacob Bjorni, Mahmoud Dinar, Shreyes Melkote, and David Rosen. “Manufacturing process selection based on similarity search: incorporating non-shape information in shape descriptor comparison.” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2024): 1-28. [link]
- Jeon, Ji Ho, Sung-Hoon Ahn, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “In Situ Analysis of the Effect of Ultrasonic Cavitation on Electrochemical Polishing of Additively Manufactured Metal Surfaces.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 146, no. 4 (2024). [link]
- Zhao, Changxuan, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Learning the manufacturing capabilities of machining and finishing processes using a deep neural network model.” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 35, no. 4 (2024): 1845-1865. [link]
- Gihr, Marwin, Asif Rashid, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Bead geometry prediction and optimization for corner structures in directed energy deposition using machine learning.” Additive Manufacturing 84 (2024): 104080. [link]
- Yan, Xiaoliang, Reed Williams, Elena Arvanitis, and Shreyes Melkote. “Deep learning-based semantic segmentation of machinable volumes for cyber manufacturing service.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 72 (2024): 16-25. [link]
- Zhao, Changxuan, Mahmoud Dinar, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Deep learning and sequence mining for manufacturing process and sequence selection.” International journal of production research (2023): 1-22.
- Wang, Zhichao, Shreyes Melkote, and David W. Rosen. “Generative Design by Embedding Topology Optimization into Conditional Generative Adversarial Network.” Journal of Mechanical Design 145.11 (2023).
- Yan, Xiaoliang, et al. “A digital apprentice for chatter detection in machining via human–machine interaction.” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 34.7 (2023): 3039-3052.
- Brumfiel, Timothy A., et al. “Design and Modeling of a Sub-2 mm Steerable Neuroendoscopic Grasping Tool.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (2023).
- Zhao, Changxuan, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Learning the manufacturing capabilities of machining and finishing processes using a deep neural network model.” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2023): 1-21.
- Yan, Xiaoliang, et al. “Process-aware part retrieval for cyber manufacturing using unsupervised deep learning.” CIRP annals (2023).
- Yan, Xiaoliang, and Shreyes Melkote. “Automated manufacturability analysis and machining process selection using deep generative model and Siamese neural networks.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 67 (2023): 57-67.
- Melkote, S., et al. “100th anniversary issue of the manufacturing engineering division paper a review of advances in modeling of conventional machining processes: from merchant to the present.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 144.11 (2022): 110801.
- Jawahir, I. S., D. A. Stephenson, and B. Wang. “A review of advances in modeling of conventional machining processes: from merchant to the present.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 144 (2022): 110801-1.
- Castellana, Jesse, and Shreyes Melkote. “Material Removal Characteristics of Longitudinal Turning of Green Ceramics.” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Vol. 86632. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
- Yan, Xiaoliang, and Shreyes Melkote. “Generative modeling of the shape transformation capability of machining processes.” Manufacturing Letters 33.S (2022).
- Qi, Ye, et al. “Wear of mechanochemically treated high-speed steel cutting tools.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 144.9 (2022): 094505.
- Zhao, Changxuan, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Learning the Part Shape and Part Quality Generation Capabilities of Machining and Finishing Processes Using a Neural Network Model.” International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Vol. 86212. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
- Cvitanic, Toni, Shreyes Melkote, and Stephen Balakirsky. “Improved state estimation of a robot end-effector using laser tracker and inertial sensor fusion.” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 38 (2022): 51-61.
- Zhao, Changxuan, Mahmoud Dinar, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “A data-driven framework for learning the capability of manufacturing process sequences.” Journal of manufacturing systems 64 (2022): 68-80.
- Huschke, Dominic, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Vibration Reduction in Robotic Milling Through Spindle Speed Modulation.” International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Vol. 85819. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
- Schmid, Steven R., and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Manufacturing and the great resignation.” Mechanical Engineering 144.3 (2022): 38-43.
- Qi, Ye, et al. “Analysis of mechanochemical reaction in dual shot peening.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 144.4 (2022): 041016.
- Cvitanic, Toni, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “A new method for closed-loop stability prediction in industrial robots.” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 73 (2022): 102218.
- Nguyen, Vinh, et al. “Precision robotic milling of fiberglass shims in aircraft wing assembly using laser tracker feedback.” SAE International Journal of Aerospace 15.01-15-01-0006 (2022): 87-97.
- Joshi, Kedar, et al. “Investigation of cycle time behavior in the robotic grinding process.” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35 (2021): 315-322.
- Malshe, A., et al. “Biological strategies from natural structures for resilience in manufacturing.” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 34 (2021): 146-156.
- Nguyen, Vinh, and Shreyes Melkote. “Hybrid statistical modelling of the frequency response function of industrial robots.” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 70 (2021): 102134.
- Vidvans, A. N., S. N. Melkote, and Daniel G. Sanders. “Enhancing cavitation intensity in co-flow water cavitation peening with organ pipe nozzles.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 143.7 (2021): 071010.
- Schmid, Steven R., and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Manufacturing and National Security.” Mechanical Engineering 143.3 (2021): 37-41.
- Rinaldi, Sergio, Domenico Umbrello, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “Modelling the effects of twinning and dislocation induced strengthening in orthogonal micro and macro cutting of commercially pure titanium.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 190 (2021): 106045.
- Wang, Bing, Jesse Castellana, and Shreyes N. Melkote. “A hybrid post-processing method for improving the surface quality of additively manufactured metal parts.” CIRP Annals 70.1 (2021): 175-178.